Past Issues

2019: Volume 1, Issue 1

Bacteriobot Drug-Liposome Carriers: An Optimization of Cancer-Drug Delivery to the Colon by Manipulating the Gut Microbiome

Tatiana Hillman

Biological Sciences, TheLAB, INC, California, USA

*Corresponding author: Tatiana Hillman, Biological Sciences, TheLAB, INC, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Received : November 5, 2019
Published : November 21, 2019


Cancer is a horrendous disease. The toxicity and the lack of effective chemotherapeutics that can reach and penetrate tumors plague the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Cancer is treatable when it is quickly diagnosed. Colon cancer occurs with the gradual accumulation of oncogenes that transform into tumors and metastatic disease. However, most drugs for cancer therapy in clinical trials for 2010 were found to be ineffective and failed. Oral administered drugs face degradation by gastric acids of the stomach, the bile salts of the liver, and by the acids of the small intestines. The drugs accumulate within the small intestines as a result and never reach the large intestines, the colon. Bacteria in the large intestines interact with drugs taken by oral administration. Bacteria in the gut breakdown and metabolize oral drugs, help to dispense, and distribute the drugs into lymphatic and blood circulation even into the gut-brain axis.

Therefore, manipulating the gut microbiome by combining bacteria with colon cancer drugs may increase their effective delivery into the colon to treat colon cancer. The bacteria S. typhimurium can sense hypoxia or a lack of oxygen, which is displayed deep inside of tumors and help penetrate the tumors. If bacteria are added to liposomes that carry cancer drugs to the colon, the S. typhimurium can use its motility and its senses of hypoxia to deliver liposomes filled with drugs to its tumor-target site, releasing the therapeutics. It is proposed that the small molecule of cancer inhibitors can be loaded into liposomes and carried by attenuated S. typhimurium bacteria. The bacteriobot drug-Liposome carriers can increase the effectiveness and delivery of the drug into the colon for colon cancer therapy.

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